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Thoughts & Inspiration

This past week in class we discussed fasting, but it was more of an applied class because we actually spent Tuesday-Friday doing a fast.  We didn’t fast from every meal every day, but we did miss lots of meals and the meals we did eat were smaller portions.  Although it was very hard (especially Friday where the only meal we had was breakfast until the fast was broken with a huge breakfast Saturday morning), God taught me a lot during the week.  One big thing I learned is that it’s an issue of the heart – it’s not about doing it or not doing it or only drinking water or just skipping one meal.  God is concerned with our hearts.  My prayer for the week was that I would really begin to understand what it means to hunger and thirst after Jesus.  I want to know what it’s like to yearn for Him.  I’m still learning, but I’m beginning to experience God in new, fresh ways.  I know and believe He’s all I need, but at times this week He was all I had – He was the One I had to turn to, and He was the One I had to rely on to fulfill and sustain me.  I pray that this fast won’t be a one week experience in my life, but rather that it would become my lifestyle – developing an intense craving for Jesus that outshines and outweighs any other hunger I will ever know.  I think I began to understand the words of a song I love called “Satisfied” in a new, more personal way this week.  The chorus says:


Hallelujah, He has found me

The One my soul so long has craved

Jesus satisfies all my longings

Through His blood I now am saved.


My hope and prayer for my life is that I would crave Jesus and that I would know what it’s like to allow Him to satisfy ALL my longings.  He is more than enough for me.

3 responses to “Fasting”

  1. Your articles just seem to get better and better everytime I read them. It is not the articles in themselves but actually watching God being so alive and well in your life through your ups and downs. I am amazed how he has carried you through and how you are growing. Your committment to Him has inspired me so much. I have come to Love God even more just by watching how much He loves you. Your articles are personel and thanks for opening up your life so that we can see God. I also want to get to that place to hunger and thirst for Jesus and to experience God as well in new and fresh ways. You are building a great past for yourself and also a great foundation based solely on Christ. God Bless you !

  2. Girl…;-)
    As I pased next to you from my way back from the bathroom:-)I decided to check your blog and tell you Good night! though I think you already went to bed……Wellanyways, I love seeing how the ord is working in your life, as you are growing more and more in Him! that’s all for now:-)

  3. Girl…;-)
    As I pased next to you from my way back from the bathroom:-)I decided to check your blog and tell you Good night! though I think you already went to bed……Wellanyways, I love seeing how the ord is working in your life, as you are growing more and more in Him! that’s all for now:-)